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Two Backpackers Carry On… 两个背包客继续......
The Muktinath Trek Muktinath Trek
In The Old Kingdom Of Nepal 在尼泊尔的古老王国
Find Your Divine Destiny In… 找到你的神圣命运......
The Temple Of 寺庙
Miraculous Fire 神奇的火焰
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for more print-patterns & free Bible-teaching lessons 了解更多印刷图案和免费的圣经教学课程
Earth-Trekker's Guide 地球 - 徒步旅行者指南
Carry The Light In China series 携带中国之光系列
Is A New Dark Age To Be Evaded? 是一个新的黑暗时代被躲避?
Booklet 1 小册子1
Global Truth For 21st Century China's Harsh Reality 21世纪中国苛刻现实的全球真相
© Copyright 2005, 2011, 2014, 2019 by Roddy Kenneth Street, Jr. ©版权所有2005,2011,2014,2019,作者:Roddy Kenneth Street,Jr。

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Muktinath's "Temple of Miraculous Fire" (in 1979) at bottom right corner. Muktinath的“神奇之火神殿”(1979年)位于右下角。

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High in the mountains of Nepal, there is a place called 在尼泊尔山区的高处,有一个叫做的地方
Muktinath, a site that is named for "the Lord of Salvation." Muktinath,一个以“拯救之王”命名的网站。
Many Hindu and Buddhist pilgrims go there to see "The 许多印度教徒和佛教朝圣者去那里看“The
Temple of Miraculous Fire." 神奇火神庙。“
Strangely, these seekers don't know who "the Lord of 奇怪的是,这些寻求者并不知道“谁是谁的主”
Salvation" really is, nor do they understand the secret of 救恩“真的是,他们也不明白这个秘密
Miraculous Fire... 神奇之火......
In 1979, I spent two months in Nepal. 1979年,我在尼泊尔待了两个月。 During November, 11月期间
I did the Pokhara-Muktinath Trek with my travel-buddy, a 我和我的旅行伙伴一起做了Pokhara-Muktinath Trek,a
Swiss adventurer named Werner Baumgartner. 瑞士冒险家名叫Werner Baumgartner。 Later, in 后来,在
December, we would also do the Everest Trek together. 十二月,我们也会一起做珠穆朗玛峰徒步旅行。
For the first trek, we hiked day after day— all day, every 对于第一次徒步旅行,我们日复一日,每天都徒步旅行
day— through the mountains of Nepal... until we finally 白天 - 穿越尼泊尔的山脉...直到我们终于
reached our destination at Muktinath. 到达我们在Muktinath的目的地。 There we saw the goal 在那里我们看到了目标
of this trek... a structure that was called "The Temple of 这个艰苦跋涉...一个被称为“神庙的结构”
Miraculous Fire." It was a rather ordinary old building which 神奇的火焰。“这是一个相当普通的老建筑
was situated on a mountaintop. 坐落在山顶上。
In many ways, it was a very inspiring and impressive trip, 在很多方面,这是一次非常鼓舞人心和令人印象深刻的旅行,
but the "miraculous fire" that we found inside that temple at 但是我们在那座寺庙内发现的“奇迹之火”
Muktinath was just a little bit disappointing. Muktinath只是有点令人失望。 When the altar 当祭坛
curtain was pulled back by a Buddhist monk, we were given 窗帘被一位佛教僧侣拉回来,我们得到了
a chance to see the big attraction— the miniature wonder 有机会看到巨大的吸引力 - 微型奇观
that is contained inside this Nepalese temple. 包含在尼泊尔神庙内。
We saw then what this "Temple of Miraculous Fire" was 然后我们看到了这个“神奇的火神殿”是什么
all about. 所有关于。 There was a tiny stream of water coming up 有一小股水流出来
through the ground, and it made a miniature waterfall behind 穿过地面,它背后形成了一个微型瀑布
that curtain. 那个窗帘。 But there was more to it than that. 但它还有更多。 An endless 无穷无尽
supply of natural gas was also gushing out of the ground, 天然气供应也涌出地面,
and it was kept lighted by the monks... so there was a flame 它被僧侣照亮了...所以有一个火焰
of fire floating over the waterfall, one that seemed to burn 漂浮在瀑布上的火,似乎燃烧着
eternally. 永远。
That was the miracle of this temple, and its Hindu and 那是这座神庙的奇迹,也是它的印度教和神庙
Buddhist visitors are greatly impressed by this combination 佛教徒对这种组合印象深刻

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of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air... the four basic elements in 火,水,土,空......四个基本要素
their cosmogony. 他们的宇宙观。
Imagine— a fire that floats on water— seemingly forever! 想象一下 - 浮在水面上的火 - 看似永远!
Well, it is a rather unusual thing for a trekker to discover in 嗯,对于徒步旅行者来说,发现它是一件相当不寻常的事情
this world, as you might guess. 正如你猜测的那样,这个世界。
Six months later, I came to the Pacific Island of Guam, 六个月后,我来到关岛太平洋岛屿,
where I would be living and working for the next 5 years. 我将在未来5年生活和工作的地方。
Soon after I got there, I became a genuine believer in Jesus 我到达那里后不久,我成了耶稣的真正信徒
Christ, and finally I became a diligent student of the Bible. 基督,最后我成了圣经的勤奋学生。
My arrival on the isle of Guam and the subsequent 我到达关岛和随后的岛屿
spiritual transformation in my own life brought me to a new 在我自己的生活中的精神转变带给我一个新的
comprehension. 理解。 I understood then that "miraculous fire" 那时我明白了“奇迹般的火”
becomes a reality for a human being when God puts His 当上帝赐下他的时候,成为一个人的现实
Holy Spirit into a believer. 圣灵成为信徒。
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This comes only through faith 这只能通过信仰来实现
and a prayer to Jesus Christ. 并向耶稣基督祷告。 Then the human being is 然后是人类
blessed with Light and becomes a temple for God's Holy 得到光明的祝福,成为神圣的圣殿
Spirit. 精神。
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Amazing as it may sound, a mere human being is 听起来很神奇,仅仅是人类
able to become a "Temple of Miraculous Fire." 能够成为“神奇火神殿”。 The fire of 火的
God's Holy Spirit will then burn in you eternally! 然后,上帝的圣灵会永远燃烧你!
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And what is more, Jesus Christ will also give you an 更重要的是,耶稣基督也会给你一个
endless supply of "living water," 无尽的“生活用水”
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which will become in you a 这将成为你的一个
spring of Eternal Life. 永生之泉。
When you receive forgiveness through a recognition of 当你通过承认得到宽恕
God's sacrifice in Jesus Christ, your sins are covered over 上帝在耶稣基督里的牺牲,你的罪孽被覆盖了
by the blood of Jesus, making you appear virtuous and 耶稣的血,使你看起来很善良
blameless in the eyes of God! 在上帝眼中无可指责! As you become a believer in 当你成为一个信徒
Christ, God credits you with the righteousness of His Son 基督,上帝称赞你的儿子的正义
Jesus— even though you don't deserve it! 耶稣 - 即使你不值得!
This is the awesome Truth that God Himself has 这是上帝亲自拥有的令人敬畏的真理
revealed to us. 透露给我们。 We are taught this Truth by Jesus Christ 我们被耶稣基督教导了这个真理
Himself in the Holy Scriptures of the Bible. 他自己在圣经的圣经中。 It's a wondrous 这真是太棒了
transformation that even utilizes the traditional elements of 甚至利用传统元素的转型
Earth, Air, Fire, and Water— as God Almighty turns a simple 地球,空气,火和水 - 全能的上帝变得简单

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human being into a Temple of Miraculous Fire! 人类进入神奇的火神殿! Here's how 这是如何做
God does it... 上帝做到了......
Earth— Your human body is like a vessel made of clay, 地球 -你的人体就像一个由粘土制成的器皿,
formed by God from the dust of the Earth, and it is just a 上帝从尘世中形成的,它只是一个
temporary residence for your soul, but God can transform it 为你的灵魂临时居住,但上帝可以改变它
into a sacred temple for His Holy Spirit. 进入圣灵的圣殿。
Air— You've had that inside you all along! Air-你一直都在你的内心! God put the上帝把
breath of Life into you when you were first conceived. 当你第一次怀孕时,生命的气息就会进入你的身体。 You
must realize that you've been breathing quite regularly ever 必须意识到你一直在经常呼吸
since the day you were born. 从你出生那天起。 Without God's willing it, you 没有上帝愿意,你
could not inhale even one more breath! 甚至再吸一口气! Yet God will give you然而上帝会赐给你
something even better than Air— He gives you His promise 比Air更好的东西 - 他给了你他的诺言
that you can someday rise above the atmosphere of Earth 有一天你可以超越地球的气氛
and know an existence in a higher realm! 并且知道在更高的领域存在! It's a new level that 这是一个新的水平
He has created for those climbers who will see an Eternal 他为那些会看到永恒的登山者创造了
Life in the Heaven of God. 生命在上帝的天堂。 It's reserved only for those whom 它只保留给那些人
He has justified... and how does Air help you gain this 他有理由...... Air如何帮助你获得这个
blessing? 祝福?
Air is the crucial element that allows any human to be 空气是允许任何人类生存的关键因素
transformed into a Temple of Miraculous Fire...! 变成了神奇之火......! It is the 它是
catalyst in the transmutation. 嬗变中的催化剂。 You may wonder or ask, "Why 你可能想知道或问:“为什么
is this so?" 是这样吗?“
With your heart you believe in the Son of God, and with 用你的心,你相信上帝的儿子,并与之相伴
your mouth you declare your faith before the eyes of God. 你的嘴,你在上帝的眼前宣告你的信仰。
You use the air in your lungs to declare that Jesus is Lord... 你利用肺部的空气来宣告耶稣是主啊......
and after that your life will be spiritually "on fire" as you 在那之后,你的生命将在精神上像你一样“着火”
pursue the goals of Jesus and the kingdom of God! 追求耶稣和上帝国度的目标!
This is how any human being can use Air and the grace 这就是任何人都可以使用Air和恩典的方式
of Jesus Christ to become a sacred and blessed Temple of 耶稣基督成为一个神圣而有福的圣殿
Miraculous Fire...! 神奇的火......!
Fire and Water— These elements are supplied by God 水 -这些元素由上帝提供
Himself, Who places them inside your body as He blesses 他自己,在他祝福的时候把他们放在你的身体里
you with His justification and salvation by grace... a free gift 你借着他的称义和恩典的救恩......免费的礼物
from the Holy One Who created you! 来自创造你的圣者!

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Your transformed human body can afterwards be quite 你改造后的人体可以在以后完全
accurately described as a "Temple of Miraculous Fire," 准确地描述为“神奇的火神殿”
because it holds within itself BOTH the perpetual flame of 因为它本身就是永恒的火焰
the Holy Spirit AND the internal spring of the Water of Life... 圣灵和生命之水的内在泉源......
which will bring you and many others into the Kingdom of 这将带你和许多其他人进入王国
Heaven. 天堂。
As a believer in Jesus Christ, you will receive TWO 作为耶稣基督的信徒,你将得到两个
important gifts from God. 来自上帝的重要礼物。 You are given the FIRE of His Holy 你被赋予他神圣的火焰
Spirit, which will burn inside you forever. 精神,永远在你里面燃烧。 You are also given 你也得到了
a drink of the Water of Life, and this becomes a 喝生命之水,这就变成了一种
WELLSPRING inside you which will give you an Eternal 在你内心的WELLSPRING将给你一个永恒
Lifetime in the presence of God. 在上帝面前的一生。
The Christian believers of our Earth are all engaged in a 我们地球的基督徒信徒都参与了
great and wonderful Journey to the East... the long trek to a 伟大而美妙的东方之旅......长途跋涉到了
New Beginning and a New Earth. 新起点与新地球。
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I hope you'll join us. 我希望你能加入我们。
Our army is still growing, and we are looking for new 我们的军队仍在增长,我们正在寻找新的军队
recruits. 新兵。 That's a good thing, because it's what Jesus wants 这是件好事,因为这是耶稣想要的
us to do. 我们去做。 And as the Romanian pastor Richard Wurmbrand 而作为罗马尼亚牧师Richard Wurmbrand
has stated in his book Reaching Toward The Heights : "If we 在他的书 “走向高地 :”如果我们
become a larger party climbing together, we may succeed 成为一个更大的聚会一起攀登,我们可能会成功
better." 更好。”
I became a believer in 1980, right after I settled down for 在我安顿下来之后,我在1980年成为了一名信徒
a while on the island of Guam. 在关岛岛上一会儿。 I didn't know it, but my Swiss 我不知道,但我的瑞士人
pal Werner also became a believer in Christ during this 在此期间,帕尔维尔纳也成了基督的信徒
same year, by an independent route. 同年,通过一条独立的路线。
My trekking friend Werner, having previously climbed 我的徒步旅行朋友维尔纳,曾经攀爬过
mountains in the Swiss Alps and in the Himalayas, just 在瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉和喜马拉雅山脉,只是
wanted to climb one last mountain before he settled down to 在他安顿下来之前,我想爬上最后一座山
a more ordinary life back home in Switzerland. 瑞士的一个更平凡的生活。 His last stop 他的最后一站
would be in Egypt, and while there he decided to go climb 将在埃及,在那里他决定去爬
Mount Sinai, which is believed by many to be the very same 西奈山,许多人认为是同样的
place where Moses had long ago received the 摩西很久以前收到的地方
Commandments of God. 上帝的诫命。 The sacred mountain where Moses 摩西的圣山
had earlier seen a miraculous fire 早些时候看到过奇迹般的火灾
7 — a burning bush from 7 - 来自的燃烧的灌木丛

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which came the voice of God— later became a mountaintop 这是上帝的声音 - 后来变成了山顶
where Moses received the gift of the Ten Commandments. 摩西收到十诫的礼物。
Werner went to the top of Mount Sinai, taking a Bible 维尔纳去了西奈山的顶端,拿了一本圣经
along with him, and he sat down to read it when he had 和他一起,他坐下来读它
reached the top. 达到顶峰。 He read the Scriptures and prayed to God, 他阅读圣经并向上帝祈祷,
and he was transformed by the power of God's Holy Spirit. 他被上帝圣灵的能力所改变。
He became a True Believer of Jesus Christ. 他成了耶稣基督的真正信徒。
When he came down from that perch on Mount Sinai, my 当他从西奈山的那个高地上下来时,我的
good pal Werner had made Jesus his Lord, and he was a 好朋友沃纳让耶稣成为他的主,他是一个
follower of the Way. 路的追随者。 His body had become a temple for the 他的身体已成为一个神殿
Miraculous Fire of God's Holy Spirit. 神圣灵的神奇之火。 This is an amazing thing 这是一件了不起的事情
to conceive. 受孕。
I would learn in one of his letters that Werner eventually 我会在他的一封信中学到Werner的最终信息
studied theology at a Bible College in Switzerland. 在瑞士圣经学院学习神学。 My old 我的老
trekking buddy, the friendly baker from Switzerland, the pal 徒步旅行的伙伴,来自瑞士的友好面包师,朋友
with whom I had traveled so extensively during our 在我们的旅行期间,我和他一起旅行过
globetrotting days... this same man ended up becoming an 环球旅行的日子......这个男人最终成为了一个
evangelical pastor for the Reformed Free Church in 福音派牧师改革宗自由教会
Switzerland. 瑞士。 He also became a missionary evangelist, 他也成为传教士传道者,
working to this very day as a "church planter" in the rural 在这一天工作,作为农村的“教堂建立者”
areas of his native country. 他的祖国的地区。
My friend Werner is a very fine example of the 我的朋友维尔纳是一个非常好的例子
transforming power of God's Holy Spirit, and yet there are 改变了上帝圣灵的能力,但却存在
countless other examples among the many generations of 许多世代中无数其他的例子
humanity that have lived on Earth since the birth of Jesus 自耶稣诞生以来一直生活在地球上的人类
Christ. 基督。 Fuel yourself with the Word of God and His Holy 用上帝的话语和他的圣洁来激励自己
Spirit, and people will come from kilometers away just to 精神,人们将来自数公里之外
watch you burn! 看着你燃烧!
It is no surprise that we both became true believers and 毫不奇怪,我们都成了真正的信徒和
followers of Jesus Christ just as we finished up our time of 正如我们完成了我们的时间一样,耶稣基督的追随者
adventures. 冒险。 We had both traveled for many months inside a 我们在一个地方旅行了好几个月
great many countries of this world, and we could both see 这个世界上有很多国家,我们都可以看到
how much this Earth is in need of God's Son. 这个地球需要多少神的儿子。

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By the grace of God and the power of His Holy Son, both 靠着上帝的恩典和圣子的能力,两者兼而有之
Werner and I were allowed to become living temples for the 维尔纳和我被允许成为活着的寺庙
Miraculous Fire of God's Holy Spirit. 神圣灵的神奇之火。 We were transformed 我们被改造了
through a faith in Jesus Christ, the Only True Son of God. 通过对耶稣基督的信仰,上帝唯一的真子。
I became a believer because I know Jesus Christ is our 我成为了一个信徒,因为我知道耶稣基督是我们的
Gateway to the Truth of God. 通往上帝真理的门户。
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He is the Guardian of God's 他是上帝的守护者
Absolutes, and He is the Announcer of God's Truth! 绝对,他是上帝真理的播音员!
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When 什么时候
we see His face, we can see the face of the loving Father in 我们看到他的脸,我们可以看到慈爱的父亲的脸
Heaven. 天堂。
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When we hear His words, we hear the Truth 当我们听到他的话时,我们会听到真相
about Heaven and Earth. 关于天地。
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The voice of Jesus Christ is the 耶稣基督的声音是
voice of God. 上帝的声音。 Clothed in perfect righteousness and purity, 穿着完美的正义和纯洁,
He is eternally the Son of God. 他永远是上帝的儿子。
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Jesus is the final destination of all seekers, the Holy One 耶稣是所有寻求者的最终目的地,即圣者
Who is the only source of Truth and enlightenment. 谁是真理和启蒙的唯一来源。 He is the 他是
goal of your lifetime quest, and He is also the final goal of 你一生追求的目标,也是他的最终目标
humanity's great Journey To The East. 人类伟大的东方之旅。 He is the Source of 他是...的来源
the New Beginning 新的开始
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... the Divine Light Who will bring to ......将要带来的神圣之光
Earth the Renewal of All Things. 地球万物的更新。
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The Devil has too many children already, but the Father 魔鬼已经有太多的孩子,但父亲
in Heaven could use some more. 在天堂可以使用更多。 If you become a child of 如果你成为了孩子
God, you'll be proud to declare that you have become a 上帝,你会自豪地宣称你已经成为了一个
member of His Family... and a brother to Jesus Christ! 他的家庭成员......和耶稣基督的兄弟!
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You too can become a temple of Miraculous Fire! 你也可以成为神奇之火的神殿!
Will you believe in Jesus and receive the Water of 你会相信耶稣并接受耶稣的水吗?
Life 生活
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which He offers to you? 他给你的是什么?
It's your only reliable means of rebirth! 这是你唯一可靠的重生手段!
The Source of Life is not, as the Hindus think, the water 正如印度教徒所认为的那样,生命之源不是水
of the River Ganges. 恒河。 The Source of real Life is Jesus Christ, 现实生活的源泉是耶稣基督,
Who can give you an Eternal Life with God. 谁能给你一个与上帝永恒的生命。
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Jesus Christ declared that He existed even before 耶稣基督宣称他甚至以前就存在过
Abraham. 亚伯拉罕。 "Before Abraham was born, I AM." “在亚伯拉罕出生之前,我。”
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He insisted 他坚持说
that He is united with God The Father, saying, "I and the 他与父神联合,说: “我和他

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Father are One." 父亲是一个。“
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If you wish to know the nature of God, 如果你想知道上帝的本性,
you need only study the face of Jesus, Who reveals for 你只需要研究耶稣的面孔,为谁揭示
humanity the personality of His Father. 人性是他父亲的个性。
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Jesus declared, "I AM the Way, the Truth, and the 耶稣宣称: “我就是道路,真理和道路
Life." 生活。”
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No person comes to God The Father except through 除了通过之外,没有人能来到父神身边
Him. 他。
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Jesus is the Door to Heaven 耶稣是天国之门
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and He is also the only 他也是唯一的
route by which humans may enter the presence of the 人类可能进入的路线
Almighty God, Who is our Father in Heaven above. 全能的上帝,谁是我们天堂之父。 He is the 他是
Gateway to Enlightenment, the means by which we humans 通往启蒙的门户,是我们人类的手段
are able to receive the Holy Spirit of God. 能够接受上帝的圣灵。
Jesus Christ is the great Truth of our Universe and He is 耶稣基督是我们宇宙的伟大真理,他是
the Light 光明
24 24
of our Universe. 我们的宇宙 He shows us the Way to God, 他告诉我们通往上帝的道路,
the path by which we may reach the Higher Realm of His 我们可以达到他的高尚境界的道路
Father. 父亲。
Jesus says He is the Way, and it's the only route that 耶稣说他是道路,而且这是唯一的道路
works. 作品。 More than one and one-half billion people world-wide 全世界有超过15亿人
now recognize the Divinity of this Holy Person Who came to 现在认识到来到这个圣人的神性
Earth for the salvation of humanity. 地球为人类的救赎。
You have sought the Truth for many years, for all of your 你已经为所有人寻求了多年的真理
lifetime on Earth... 地球上的生命......
Now you have heard the Truth of Jesus Christ, and you 现在你已经听过耶稣基督的真理了
have been shown the Way to the Light of the Universe. 已被展示通往宇宙之光的道路。
Jesus is the Light of the World, 耶稣是世界之光,
25 25
and He can illuminate a 他可以照亮一个
dark and evil world that surrounds you, showing you the right 围绕着你的黑暗与邪恶的世界,向你显示正确的
way to go. 要走的路。 He can be a light for your path and a lamp to your 他可以为你的道路照亮你的灯
feet. 脚。 He is Divine, and He is the Truth, the Word of God. 他是神圣的,他是真理,是神的话语。
How can you get the Truth of Triune YHWH God into 你怎么能得到耶和华上帝的三位一体的真理
your heart? 你的心中? Just ask that God Who is the Father of Jesus 只要问上帝是耶稣的父
Christ will place His Holy Spirit inside you and give you 基督会将圣灵放在你里面,赐给你
understanding of the Holy Scriptures in the Bible. 理解圣经中的圣经。 You will 你会

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10 10
then see Jesus as what He truly is: the Divine and Ever-Holy 然后看耶稣是他真正的:神圣和永恒的圣洁
Son of God. 神之子。
You gain Eternal Life with Triune YHWH God by placing 你通过放置获得三位一体的永恒生命
Jesus Christ, Who in the Trinity of YHWH God created our 耶稣基督,在上帝的三位一体中,上帝创造了我们的
Universe, upon a throne at the center of your heart! 宇宙,在你心中的宝座上! He
deserves that position and that kind of respect. 值得这个位置和那种尊重。 He was first 他是第一个
God The Son, but when born in human flesh He became the 上帝的儿子,但当他出生在人肉中时,他就成了人
only sinless and righteous person who ever lived. 只有无罪和正义的人才有过。 Yet He 然而他
has sacrificed Himself on a cross for your sake, taking all 为了你的缘故,他已经牺牲了自己在十字架上,夺走了所有人
guilt and sins upon Himself— for you and for me, and for all 为你和我,为所有人而感到内疚和罪恶
people everywhere on Earth— that whoever wishes for 地球上到处都是人 - 无论谁愿意
salvation may be rescued from the due punishment of sins. 救赎可以从罪的应有惩罚中解救出来。
If you will do this, you will gain a new contentment 如果你这样做,你将获得新的满足感
and peace as you accept Triune YHWH God's great 和平,因为你接受三位一体耶和华神的伟大
organizational plan for the Universe . 宇宙的组织计划。 . . because you'll 因为你会的
be letting Triune YHWH God be the Ruler of All Things in 让Triune YHWH上帝成为万物的统治者
this world . 这个世界。 . . and in your own life. 在你自己的生活中。
All it really takes is a simple but sincere little prayer— 真正需要的只是一个简单但真诚的小祷告 -
one that you should make up in your own words. 一个你应该用自己的话来弥补的。 The prayer 祈祷
for deliverance and for the Triune YHWH God's leadership 为了拯救和三位一体的耶和华上帝的领导
should come from your own heart! 应该来自你自己的心!
Some important elements that you might include are:您可能包含的一些重要元素是:
1) your desire to turn away from the wrongness or evil of 1)你希望摆脱错误或邪恶
your past life, and your remorse over the sins of your 你过去的生活,以及对你的罪恶的悔恨
previous life, 前世,
2) your desire for Triune YHWH God's forgiveness and 2)你渴望三位一体耶和华上帝的宽恕和
mercy through the act of sacrifice of His Only Begotten Son 通过牺牲他唯一的被遗忘的儿子的行为来怜悯
(Jesus Christ), (耶稣基督),
3) your desire to know Triune YHWH God's leadership in 3)你想知道三位一体耶和华在上帝的领导
your life, 你的生命,
4) your desire to learn more of Triune YHWH God's truth 4)你渴望更多地了解三位一体耶和华上帝的真理
through Bible study, 通过圣经学习,
5) your desire to find fellowship with genuine believers. 5)你渴望与真正的信徒相交。

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11 11
When you're saved, you'll know Jesus is King of the 当你得救的时候,你就会知道耶稣是王的
Universe, and also the Lord and Master of your life. 宇宙,也是你生命中的主和主。
You'll know the three faces of YHWH God Almighty: God 你会知道YHWH全能的上帝的三个面孔:上帝
The Father, God The Son, and God The Spirit. 父亲,上帝儿子,上帝圣灵。
His Holy Light will start to be visible in your own face 他的圣光将开始出现在你自己的脸上
and actions! 和行动! You will have a new desire to serve no 你将有一个新的愿望,不服务
other king than Jesus! 除耶稣以外的其他国王
Jesus said of the people of God that "The kingdom of 耶稣对上帝的子民说:“王国
heaven is like a net that God has cast into the sea, and it 天堂就像上帝投入大海的网络一样
gathers of every kind: When it is full, it will be pulled up on 各种各样的聚集:当它满了,它会被拉上
the shore, where they will sit down to sort the catch, and 在岸边,他们将坐下来对捕获物进行分类
they will collect the good fish in baskets, but the bad things 他们会在篮子里收集好鱼,但是坏东西
will be thrown away. 将被扔掉。 This is the way it will be at the end of 这就是它最终的方式
the world: The angels shall come forth, and they will 世界:天使会出现,他们会出现
separate the unrighteous persons from among those justified 将不义之人与正当之人分开
by God . 老天为证 。 . ." “。
Excerpt from the book of Matthew, who was a constant 摘自马修的书,他是一位常数
companion of Jesus and his devoted disciple [13:47-50] 耶稣的同伴和他忠诚的门徒[13:47-50]
Jesus spoke of the people of God as being like a seed 耶稣说上帝的子民像种子一样
that is growing secretly, saying, "As for the kingdom of God, 秘密地说,“至于神的国,
it is as if a person should cast seed into the ground; 好像一个人应该把种子撒在地上; and then 然后
he sleeps, and he rises up night and day to see that the 他睡着了,他昼夜升起,看到那个
seed is springing forth and always growing up, although he 种子正在涌现,总是在成长,尽管他
knows not exactly how. 不确切知道怎么做。 The Earth is bringing forth fruit from 地球正在带来果实
itself; 本身; first the blade, then the ears of corn, and after that the 首先是刀片,然后是玉米的耳朵,之后是
fullness of the ears of corn. 丰满的玉米穗。 And when all the fruit of the 当所有的果实
Earth has come forth, immediately God will use the sickle to 地球已经出现,上帝会立刻用镰刀来
reap the fields, because the harvest-time has come." 收获田地,因为收获时间已到。“
Excerpt from the book of Mark [4:26-29] 马克书[4:26-29]的摘录
Bible Scriptures for numbered references found in 编号参考的圣经经文
this booklet (all below are excerpted from the New King 这本小册子(以下均摘自新国王
James Version Bible): 詹姆斯版圣经):

Page 12 第12页
12 12
1 1
Acts 2:1-4 When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, 使徒行传2:1-4当五旬节完全降临时,
they were all with one accord in one place. 他们在一个地方都是一致的。 2 And suddenly 2突然间
there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty 从天上传来一声巨响
wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 风,它填满了他们所在的整个房子。 3 3
Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and 然后在他们看来,他们分开了舌头,如火,和
one sat upon each of them. 一个坐在他们每个人身上。 4 And they were all filled with 4他们都充满了
the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as 圣灵,并开始与其他方言说话,如
the Spirit gave them utterance. 圣灵赐给他们话语。
2 2
1 Cor. 1 Cor。 6:19-20 Or do you not know that your body is the 6:19-20或者你不知道你的身体是什么的
temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from在你里面的圣灵殿,
God, and you are not your own? 上帝,你不是你自己的? 20 For you were bought at 20因为你被买了
a price; 价格; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, 因此,在你的身体和你的灵里荣耀上帝,
which are God's. 这是上帝的。
3 3
Eph. 弗。 4:30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by 4:30不要因上帝的圣灵而悲伤
whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 谁是你在救赎之日被封印的人。
4 4
Jer. 耶。 17:13 O LORD, the hope of Israel, 17:13耶和华啊,以色列的盼望,
All who forsake You shall be ashamed. 所有抛弃你的人都应该感到羞耻。
" Those who depart from Me “那些离我而去的人
Shall be written in the earth, 要写在地上,
Because they have forsaken the LORD, 因为他们离弃了耶和华,
The fountain of living waters." 生活水泉。“
John 4:10-14 Jesus answered and said to her, "If you 约翰福音4:10-14耶稣回答并对她说 “如果你
knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, 'Give Me 知道上帝的恩赐,以及告诉你的是谁,“赐给我
a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have 喝酒,“你会问他,而他会的
given you living water." 11 The woman said to Him, "Sir, 给你活水。“ 11女人对他说,”先生,
You have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep. 你没有什么可以吸引的,井也很深。 Where 哪里
then do You get that living water? 那你活得好吗? 12 Are You greater than 12你是否大于
our father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank from it 我们的父亲雅各布给了我们井,然后喝了它
himself, as well as his sons and his livestock?" 13 Jesus 他自己,还有他的儿子和牲畜?“ 13耶稣
answered and said to her, "Whoever drinks of this water will 回答说:“喝这水的人都会
thirst again, 14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall 渴了, 14但是谁喝了我的水
give him will never thirst. 让他永远不会渴。 But the water that I shall give him 但是我要给他的水
will become in him a fountain of water springing up into 将成为他的泉水涌入他的泉源
everlasting life." 永生。“
John 4:14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall 约翰福音4:14但不管我喝水了谁
give him will never thirst. 让他永远不会渴。 But the water that I shall give him 但是我要给他的水
will become in him a fountain of water springing up into 将成为他的泉水涌入他的泉源
everlasting life." 永生。“

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13 13
John 7:37-39 On the last day, that great day of the feast, 约翰福音7:37-39在最后一天,盛宴的那一天
Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone thirsts, let him 耶稣站起来喊道,说:“如果有人渴望,就让他
come to Me and drink. 来找我喝酒。 38 He who believes in Me, as the 38相信我的人,如同
Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living 圣经说过,他心里会流淌着生活的河流
water." 39 But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom 水。“ 39但是他谈到了圣灵,他是谁
those believing in Him would receive; 那些相信他的人会得到; for the Holy Spirit was 因为圣灵是
not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified. 尚未 给出,因为耶稣尚未得到荣耀。
6 6
Rev. 21:6 And He said to me, "It is done! I am the 启21:6他对我说 “成就了!我是
Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. 阿尔法和欧米茄,开始和结束。 I will give 我将会给
of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. 生命之泉的泉水自由地对着渴望的人。
2 Pet. 2宠物。 3:9-13 The Lord is not slack concerning His 3:9-13耶和华并不松懈
promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering 承诺,因为有些人算是松懈,但却是忍耐
toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all 对我们来说,不愿意任何人应该灭亡而是所有人
should come to repentance. 应该来悔改。 10 But the day of the Lord will 10但主的日子会
come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass 在夜间作为一个小偷来到天堂中
away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with 远离一个巨大的噪音,元素将融化
fervent heat; 热火; both the earth and the works that are in it will 地球和其中的作品都将成为现实
be burned up. 被烧毁了。 11 Therefore, since all these things will be 11因此,所有这些都将成为现实
dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy 解散了,你应该以何种方式成为神圣的人
conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the 行为和敬虔, 12寻找和加速
coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will 在上帝的日子来临,因为天将来
be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with 被解散,着火,元素将融化
fervent heat? 炽热? 13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, 13然而,根据他的承诺,我们
look for new heavens and a new earth in which 寻找新的天堂和新的地球
righteousness dwells. 正义居住。
Rev. 21:1 Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for 启示录21:1现在,我看到了一个新天新地
the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. 第一个天堂和第一个地球已经过世。 Also
there was no more sea. 没有更多的海。
7 7
Exodus 3:1-6 Now Moses was tending the flock of 出埃及记3:1-6现在摩西正在照料羊群
Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. 他的岳父叶忒罗是米甸人的牧师。 And he led the 他领导了
flock to the back of the desert, and came to Horeb, the 涌向沙漠的后面,然后来到Horeb
mountain of God. 上帝的山。 2 And the Angel of the LORD appeared to 2耶和华的使者显现
him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. 他在灌木丛中的火焰中。 So he looked, 所以他看了,
and behold, the bush was burning with fire, but the bush was 不料,丛林正在燃着火,但灌木 却是
not consumed. 没消耗。 3 Then Moses said, "I will now turn aside and 3然后摩西说:“我现在要转过身来
see this great sight, why the bush does not burn." 4 So when 看到这个伟大的景象,为什么丛林不燃烧。“ 4所以当
the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called to 耶和华看见他转过身来看,神呼召
him from the midst of the bush and said, "Moses, Moses!" 他从灌木丛中说:“摩西,摩西!”

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14 14
And he said, "Here I am." 他说,“我来了。” 5 Then He said, "Do not draw near 5然后他说:“不要靠近
this place. 这个地方。 Take your sandals off your feet, for the place 把你的凉鞋从脚上取下来
where you stand is holy ground." 6 Moreover He said, "I am 你站在哪里 圣地。“ 6他还说,”我
the God of your father--the God of Abraham, the God of 你父亲的上帝 - 亚伯拉罕的上帝,是上帝的上帝
Isaac, and the God of Jacob." And Moses hid his face, for he 艾萨克和雅各的上帝。“摩西为了他而隐藏了他的脸
was afraid to look upon God. 害怕看上帝。
8 8
Mat. 垫。 7:13-14 "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the 7:13-14 “通过狭窄的门进入;宽的
gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and 门和广阔 导致破坏的方式,并且
there are many who go in by it. 有很多人进去了。 14 Because narrow is the 14因为狭窄
gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are 门和困难 导致生命的方式,并且有
few who find it. 很少有人找到它。
John 10:7-9 Then Jesus said to them again, "Most 约翰福音10:7-9然后耶稣又对他们说 “大多数人
assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. 当然,我告诉你,我是羊的门。 8 All 8全部
who ever came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the 谁来 我之前是小偷和劫匪,但是
sheep did not hear them. 羊听不到他们的声音。 9 I am the door. 9我是门。 If anyone enters如果有人进入
by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find 通过我,他将得救,并将进出并找到
pasture. 牧场。
9 9
John 3:12-13 If I have told you earthly things and you 约翰福音3:12-13如果我告诉你属世的事和你
do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly 不信,如果我告诉你天国,你会怎么相信?
things? 事情呢? 13 No one has ascended to heaven but He who 13没有人升天,但他是谁
came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in 从天上降下来的, 也就是在人中的人子
heaven. 天堂。
John 6:38-40 For I have come down from heaven, not to 约翰福音6:38-40因为我从天而降,不是从天而降
do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. 做我自己的意愿,但是送我的主的旨意。 39 This is 39这是
the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given 送我的父的旨意,就是他所赐给我的
Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last 我,我什么都不会失去,但最后应该提高它
day. 天。 40 And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that 40这就是差遣我的主的旨意
everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have 每个看到儿子并相信他的人都可能有
everlasting life; 永生; and I will raise him up at the last day." 我会在最后一天把他抚养起来。“
Mat. 垫。 13:34-35 All these things Jesus spoke to the 13:34-35耶稣所说的所有这些事
multitude in parables; 比喻众多; and without a parable He did not 没有比喻他没有
speak to them, 35 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken 告诉他们, 35 他们说话可能会实现
by the prophet, saying: 先知说:
" I will open My mouth in parables; “我会用比喻打开我的嘴;
I will utter things kept secret from the foundation of the 我会在事情的基础上保密
world." 世界。”
10 10
John 6:46 Not that anyone has seen the Father, 约翰福音6:46并不是有人见过父,
except He who is from God; 除了来自上帝的人; He has seen the Father. 他见过父亲。

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15 15
John 14:7-11 "If you had known Me, you would have 约翰福音14:7-11 “如果你认识我,你就会有
known My Father also; 我的父亲也知道; and from now on you know Him and 从现在开始你就认识他了
have seen Him." 8 Philip said to Him, "Lord, show us the 已经看见了他。“ 8菲利普对他说,”主啊,告诉我们
Father, and it is sufficient for us." 9 Jesus said to him, "Have 父亲,这对我们来说已经足够了。“ 9耶稣对他说:”有
I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, 我和你在一起很久了,但你还不认识我,
Philip? 菲利普? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; 见过我的人见过父; so how 又怎样
can you say, 'Show us the Father'? 你能说,'告诉我们父亲'吗? 10 Do you not believe 10你不相信吗?
that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? 我在父里面,父亲在我里面? The words 话说
that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; 我跟你说话,我不是靠自己的 权威 说话 ; but
the Father who dwells in Me does the works. 住在我里面的父做了工作。 11 Believe Me 11相信我
that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe 在父里面和父里面,或者相信
Me for the sake of the works themselves. 我是为了作品本身。
11 11
John 3:12-13 If I have told you earthly things and you 约翰福音3:12-13如果我告诉你属世的事和你
do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly 不信,如果我告诉你天国,你会怎么相信?
things? 事情呢? 13 No one has ascended to heaven but He who 13没有人升天,但他是谁
came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in 从天上降下来的, 也就是在人中的人子
heaven. 天堂。
12 12
Rev. 22:12-16 "And behold, I am coming quickly, and 启22:12-16 “看哪,我快到了,并且
My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his 我的回报 与我同在,按照他的意愿给予每一个人
work. 工作。 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and 13我是阿尔法和欧米茄,开始和
the End, the First and the Last." 14 Blessed are those who结束,第一和最后。“ 14有福人有福了
do His commandments, that they may have the right to the 遵守他的诫命,他们可能有权利这样做
tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. 生命之树,可能通过大门进入城市。 15 15
But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral 但外面 狗和巫师和性不道德
and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and 和凶手和偶像崇拜者,以及任何爱和爱的人
practices a lie. 撒谎。 16 "I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to 16 “我,耶稣,已派我的天使作证
you these things in the churches. 你在教堂里做这些事。 I am the Root and the 我是根和
Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star." 大卫的后代,明星和晨星。“
13 13
Rev. 21:5-6 Then He who sat on the throne said, 启21:5-6那坐在宝座上的人说,
"Behold, I make all things new." “看哪,我把所有事情都做好了。” And He said to me, "Write, 他对我说:“写,
for these words are true and faithful." 6 And He said to me, 因为这些话是真实忠实的。“ 6他对我说,
"It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning “它完成了!我是阿尔法和欧米茄,开始
and the End. 和结束。 I will give of the fountain of the water of life 我将奉献生命之泉的泉源
freely to him who thirsts. 对那些渴望的人自由。
14 14
Mat. 垫。 19:28 So Jesus said to them, "Assuredly I say to 19:28所以耶稣对他们说,“我确实说过
you, that in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on 你,在人类的儿子坐下时,在再生中
the throne of His glory, you who have followed Me will also 荣耀的宝座,跟随我的你也会
sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 坐在十二个宝座上,判断以色列的十二个支派。

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15 15
Mat. 垫。 12:48-50 But He answered and said to the one 12:48-50但他回答并对那个人说
who told Him, "Who is My mother and who are My brothers?" 谁告诉他,“谁是我的母亲,谁是我的兄弟?”
49 And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and 49他伸手向门徒伸出手来
said, "Here are My mother and My brothers! 50 For whoever 说:“这是我的母亲和我的兄弟! 50无论谁
does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister 我父在天上的旨意是我的兄弟姐妹吗?
and mother." 和妈妈。“
16 16
Rev. 21:6 And He said to me, "It is done! I am the 启21:6他对我说 “成就了!我是
Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. 阿尔法和欧米茄,开始和结束。 I will give 我将会给
of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. 生命之泉的泉水自由地对着渴望的人。
Rev. 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" 启22:17圣灵和新妇说:“来吧!” And
let him who hears say, "Come!" 让听见的人说:“快来!” And let him who thirsts 让他渴望的是他
come. 来。 Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely. 无论谁愿意,让他自由地享受生命之水。
17 17
John 4:11-14 The woman said to Him, "Sir, You have 约翰福音4:11-14女人对他说 “先生,你有
nothing to draw with, and the well is deep. 没有什么可以吸引的,井也很深。 Where then do 那么做
You get that living water? 你得到那个活水吗? 12 Are You greater than our 12你是否比我们更伟大
father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank from it 父亲雅各,给了我们井,喝了它
himself, as well as his sons and his livestock?" 13 Jesus 他自己,还有他的儿子和牲畜?“ 13耶稣
answered and said to her, "Whoever drinks of this water will 回答说:“喝这水的人都会
thirst again, 14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall 渴了, 14但是谁喝了我的水
give him will never thirst. 让他永远不会渴。 But the water that I shall give him 但是我要给他的水
will become in him a fountain of water springing up into 将成为他的泉水涌入他的泉源
everlasting life." 永生。“
John 7:37-38 On the last day, that great day of the feast, 约翰福音7:37-38在最后一天,这个盛大的大
Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone thirsts, let him 耶稣站起来喊道,说:“如果有人渴望,就让他
come to Me and drink. 来找我喝酒。 38 He who believes in Me, as the 38相信我的人,如同
Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living 圣经说过,他心里会流淌着生活的河流
water." 水。”
18 18
John 8:58 Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly, I say 约翰福音8:58耶稣对他们说:“我确实说,我说
to you, before Abraham was, I AM." 对你来说,在亚伯拉罕来之前,我是。“
19 19
John 10:30 I and My Father are one." 约翰福音10:30我和我的父亲是一体的。“
20 20
John 14:7-12 "If you had known Me, you would have 约翰福音14:7-12 “如果你认识我,你就会有
known My Father also; 我的父亲也知道; and from now on you know Him and 从现在开始你就认识他了
have seen Him." 8 Philip said to Him, "Lord, show us the 已经看见了他。“ 8菲利普对他说,”主啊,告诉我们
Father, and it is sufficient for us." 9 Jesus said to him, "Have 父亲,这对我们来说已经足够了。“ 9耶稣对他说:”有
I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, 我和你在一起很久了,但你还不认识我,
Philip? 菲利普? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; 见过我的人见过父; so how 又怎样
can you say, 'Show us the Father'? 你能说,'告诉我们父亲'吗? 10 Do you not believe 10你不相信吗?
that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? 我在父里面,父亲在我里面? The words 话说

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that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; 我跟你说话,我不是靠自己的 权威 说话 ; but
the Father who dwells in Me does the works. 住在我里面的父做了工作。 11 Believe Me 11相信我
that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe 在父里面和父里面,或者相信
Me for the sake of the works themselves. 我是为了作品本身。 12 "Most 12 “最多
assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works 当然,我告诉你,相信我的人,作品
that I do he will do also; 我也会这样做; and greater works than these he will他将会比他更伟大的 作品
do, because I go to My Father. 因为我去找我的父亲。
21, 22 21,22
John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the 约翰福音14:6耶稣对他说 “我就是这样,是的
truth, and the life. 真相和生活。 No one comes to the Father except 没有人来到父亲身边
through Me. 通过我。
23 23
John 10:7-9 Then Jesus said to them again, "Most 约翰福音10:7-9然后耶稣又对他们说 “大多数人
assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. 当然,我告诉你,我是羊的门。 8 All 8全部
who ever came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the 谁来 我之前是小偷和劫匪,但是
sheep did not hear them. 羊听不到他们的声音。 9 I am the door. 9我是门。 If anyone enters如果有人进入
by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find 通过我,他将得救,并将进出并找到
pasture. 牧场。
24, 25 24,25
John 8:12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, 约翰福音8:12耶稣又对他们说,
"I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk “我是世界之光。跟随我的人不会走路
in darkness, but have the light of life." 在黑暗中,却拥有生命之光。“
It's extremely important for all of us to remember this: 对于我们所有人来说,记住这一点非常重要:
1) WE SPEAK TO TRIUNE YHWH GOD by our prayers. 1)通过我们的祈祷,我们向耶和华说话
2) TRIUNE YHWH GOD SPEAKS TO US by the words 2) 三位一体的耶和华用言语向我们说话
of Holy Scripture, in the Word of God written by His Son. 在圣经中,在他儿子所写的上帝的话语中。
So we must try to read His words and His Book just as 因此,我们必须尝试阅读他的话和他的书
often as we possibly can… on a daily basis!! 通常我们可以......每天......
Almighty YHWH, The Triune God of Israel and all the 全能的YHWH,以色列三位一体的神和所有的
Earth, wants to bless you through His Only Begotten Son of 地球,想通过他唯一被遗忘的儿子祝福你
Man, Jesus Christ— Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel… the 男人,耶稣基督 - 耶稣,以色列的弥赛亚......
soon-coming King of Israel and all the Earth— so let Him 即将到来的以色列国王和全地球 - 所以让他
reward your search with the grace of His forgiveness and 以他的宽恕和恩典的恩典奖励你的搜索
enlightenment! 启示!
Triune YHWH God wants to bless you for all your long Triune YHWH上帝希望为你所有的长久祝福
efforts to understand this very confusing and difficult 努力理解这一点令人困惑和困难
Universe in which we live. 我们生活的宇宙。 He wants you to be spared from 他希望你能幸免
the normal wages of sin and the terrible Day of His Wrath 罪的正常工资和他可怕的愤怒日

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that is yet to come— so let Him reward your lengthy search 那是未来 - 所以让他奖励你冗长的搜索
with the grace of His forgiveness and His enlightenment! 带着宽恕和启蒙的恩典!
It's better to show good sense now—today—before His 现在 - 现在 - 在他之前表现出良好的感觉更好
Judgment time arrives… so you can't end up regretting your 审判时间到了...所以你不能最后后悔自己
choices for all eternity. 所有永恒的选择。
Life and Death have been placed before you. 生与死已摆在你面前。 The Word of 的话语
God says, "All those who hate Me love death." 上帝说:“所有恨我的人都爱死。” Choose 选择
eternal life with Jesus Christ and His Heavenly Father… not 耶稣基督和他的天父的永生......不是
an eternal darkness with that evil ruler whom Jesus called 耶稣称之为邪恶统治者的永恒黑暗
"the Prince of Darkness." “黑暗之王”。 As God's Only Begotten Son 作为上帝唯一被遗忘的儿子
warned us long ago… the Evil One named Satan is forever a 很久以前警告我们......一个名叫撒旦的邪恶者永远是一个
murderer and forever the Father of Liars. 凶手和永远的谎言之父。
Choose new life in Christ, not the ages-old tyranny of 选择在基督里的新生活,而不是古老的暴政
Satan… and you'll at last find the narrow path to Heaven… 撒旦......你终于找到了通向天堂的狭窄道路......
avoiding the popular Wide Road that leads only to the 避免流行的宽阔道路,只能导致
torments of Hell. 地狱的折磨。
Acknowledge the Wisdom of YHWH God… the 承认YHWH上帝的智慧......
Righteousness, Holiness, and Divinity of His Only Begotten 他唯一被遗忘的正义,圣洁和神性
Son of Man… and the Heavenly Father will no longer see 人子......天父将不再见
your own sins and shortcomings. 你自己的罪孽和缺点。 They will all be hidden from 他们都将被隐藏起来
His sight by a cleansing in the sacrificial blood of Jesus 他通过洁净耶稣的献血来看见他
Christ, the Lamb of God. 基督,上帝的羔羊。
Choose to love YHWH God's Way of Life and growth—not 选择爱耶和华上帝的生命方式和成长 - 而不是
the Liar's way of self-destruction! 骗子的自我毁灭方式!
The Important End Note: Is a new Dark Age coming to 重要结束注释: 是一个新的黑暗时代即将到来
our world? 我们的世界? It's already happening in Britain, Europe,它已经发生在英国,欧洲,
Australia, South Africa, India, even the US— made obvious 澳大利亚,南非,印度,甚至美国都是明显的
in those regions by persecution of Christians & declining 在这些地区受迫害基督徒和衰落
church attendance, concurrent with an incessant rising of 教堂出勤,同时不断上升
Islamism, Marxism, Humanism, Evolutionism, Secularism, 伊斯兰教,马克思主义,人道主义,进化论,世俗主义,
Socialism, Satanism, and Witchcraft. 社会主义,撒旦主义和巫术。 Europe has already 欧洲已经
become the new "Dark Continent," and now probably 成为新的“黑暗大陆”,现在可能
deserves that label as much as Africa ever could. 应该像非洲一样享有这个标签。 Forcasters Forcasters
believe it will soon be a dark "Eurabia" under Islamic control. 相信它很快就会成为伊斯兰控制下的黑暗“欧拉比亚”。

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Whenever the ancient nations of Israel and Judah were 每当以色列和犹大的古代国家都是
ruled by a very evil king, it was always a clear sign that 由一个非常邪恶的国王统治,它总是一个明确的迹象
Triune YHWH God's Judgment was coming, that invasions 三位一体YHWH上帝的审判即将来临,即入侵
and devastation would soon come upon the "Promised 很快就会出现“应许之灾”
Land" of the Jews. Judgments came upon the Jews for their “犹太人的土地。犹太人的审判是为了他们的
own repetitious sins and the immorality of their entire nation. 拥有重复的罪恶和整个国家的不道德行为。
Whenever the Jews had a really evil ruler in charge of 每当犹太人有一个真正邪恶的统治者负责
everything, that fact was itself a loud warning from God that 一切,这个事实本身就是一个来自上帝的大声警告
invasions, poverty, devastations, and enslavement were to 入侵,贫困,破坏和奴役都是为了
be coming upon them very soon. 很快就会遇到他们。 But YHWH God sent them 但耶和华上帝差遣了他们
prophets at the same time, to make it all crystal-clear. 先知在同一时间,使它一切都清澈透明。 Those 那些
evil kings of Israel and Judah were also a foreshadowing of 以色列和犹大的邪恶国王也是一个预示
the future Antichrist Dictator who would someday seek to 有朝一日会寻求未来的敌基督独裁者
rule the entire Earth as its evil king. 统治整个地球作为它的邪恶之王。 Therefore you should 所以你应该
take warning, and try to prepare for what's undoubtedly 采取警告,并试图为毫无疑问的事情做好准备
coming to your own country soon. 很快就会来到你自己的国家。
Similarly, when you see a dictatorial tyrant trying to seize 同样,当你看到一个独裁暴君试图抓住时
power over your own country… hoping to become a "king" 对自己国家的权力......希望成为“国王”
over your own nation and all the Earth's lands… it can only 在你自己的国家和地球上的所有土地......它只能
mean that Triune YHWH God's judgments are soon to be 意味着Triune YHWH上帝的判决很快就会到来
again coming upon your nation's population & all the Earth… 再次来到你们国家的人口和整个地球......
even Nepal, India & Sri Lanka, regions that the Islamic 甚至尼泊尔,印度和斯里兰卡,伊斯兰地区
Caliphate (1517-1917 AD) condemned as "infidel" & 哈里发(1517-1917 AD)被谴责为“异教徒”
"House to Conquer." “要征服的房子。” We are now in the End-Times of the 我们现在处于结束时期
Church Age, and we are possibly also seeing "the last days" 教会时代,我们也可能看到“最后的日子”
for freedom in India, Japan, Taiwan & the USA. 为了印度,日本,台湾和美国的自由。 Use it while 一边使用它
you've got it, China! 你知道了,中国! For now, you still have some freedom of 现在,你还有一些自由
religion, at least to some tiny degree, in parts of China. 宗教,至少在某种程度上,在中国的部分地区。 You
have to use it or you'll lose it. 必须使用它,否则你会失去它。 Repent today, get on your 今天悔改,继续你的
knees to pray. 膝盖祈祷。 May Triune YHWH上帝拯救中国
当耶稣下一次来的时候会有所不同 - 他

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这是发现的众多街道之一 ......
VERS。3k,版本2/6/19©2005,2011,2014,2019,作者:Roddy Kenneth Street,Jr。

Original text